Remembering The Truth

I had an online discourse with someone about the current state of affairs on the globe. She expressed how overwhelming all of the negative energies we are experiencing are and how she had lost all hope for humanity. I commented with an optimistic note about how the ‘Light’ can never be overcome by darkness. Surprisingly, yet unsurprisingly, she rejected it as futile optimism - something she could not spare, even though she said she believes in the Light. I eventually dropped the discussion, but it puzzled me deeply - there is no way to believe in Light and not believe that it will win. The Light may flicker, and It may get dim, but It is eternal and indistinguishable. No matter how dark things may seem to get, the Light will always maintain its glow.

Nonetheless, the conversation disturbed me. I took it into my morning meditation searching for answers…

How can the Children of God be so overwhelmed with darkness that they forget that the Light lives within them? That the Light is the very essence of our being?

The answer came to me not in my writings nor through channeling. It came to me during my readings of the Nag Hamadi texts - The Gospel of Truth (17,4 - 18,11):

“All have sought for the one from whom they have come forth. All have been within him, the illimitable, the conceivable, who is beyond all thought. But ignorance of the Father brought terror and fear, and terror grew dense like a fog, so that no one could see. Thus Error grew powerful. She worked on her material substance in vain. Since she did not know the truth, she assumed a fashioned figure and prepared, with power and beauty, a substitute for Truth.

This was not humiliating for the illimitable, inconceivable one. For the terror and forgetfulness and this deceptive figure were as nothing, whereas established Truth is unchanging, unperturbed, and beyond beauty.

For this reason, despise Error.

Error had no root; she was in a fog regarding the Father. She was there preparing works and deeds of forgetfulness and fear in order, by them, to attract those of the middle and take them captive.

The forgetfulness of Error was not apparent. It is not… from the Father. Forgetfulness did not come into being from the Father, but if it did come into being, it is because of Him. What comes into being within him is knowledge, which appeared so that forgetfulness might be destroyed and the Father might be known. Forgetfulness came into being because the Father was not know, so as soon as the Father comes to be known, forgetfulness will cease to be.”

What if the language of Good and Evil or Light and Darkness feels too abstract to apply to the crises we face today? What if our struggle is not between opposites, but between Truth and Error? This passage from The Gospel of Truth shifts our understanding.

Error is not an opposing force to Truth. It is simply forgetfulness—an illusion, a fog that blinds us from what is and has always been real. When we look at the world through this lens, our predicament becomes clear: Are we aligned with Truth? Or lingering in the fog of Errors?
How much of our divine nature have we forgotten to be so disoriented by confusion and fear?

Our entire society has been built off the structure of understanding the power that comes with fear and terror. Our society, so far removed from 'The Illimitable’, has been living in a trance for centuries. The fog has prevented generations from being able to see and think clearly. And throughout the course of time, many have forgotten that there is a divine connection to Spirit at all.

Although they may not be familiar with the text, the current administration is masterfully playing the role of Errors. The more negativity it creates, the more suppressed and depressed the society becomes. The more aggressive and egregious the Executive Orders and policy mandates become, the more frustrated we grow. The overstimulation of media, fear-mongering, and breaking news tragedies, keeps us so distracted that we’re overwhelmed with information.

Things have gotten so bad that we intentionally choose to forget and not participate. Many of us would rather hide comfortably within the darkness than fight to find the Light and the Truth within it. Error’s seeds of doubt have been sown so deeply into our world that we constantly question what Truth actually is. And even when it is staring us dead in the face, we still question its existence because we have grown used to the lies and manipulation that we second guess its validity.

It is easy to try to find blame for the position that we’re in. And oftentimes, even the best enlightened disciples question God’s accommodations for Evil, Darkness and Errors. But as it is declared in the text: Truth has no need to battle Errors. God, the Father, the Illimitable, the Inconceivable, Who is beyond all thought, allowed its presence to pervade because the Truth bows to no one and nothing. The Truth simply exists. Errors, on the other hand, is rootless. It is an illusion. It is born out of ignorance and thrives off the fog of fear and forgetfulness. Therefore, Truth and Errors are not even opposites. The opposite of Truth is forgetfulness!

The solution is simple and quite profound: REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE.

When we search for the Truth, when we find OUR Truth, we end the nightmare that we are all living in. When we remember who God is - and the omnipotent power of God, Errors is immediately destroyed.

As the world starts to awaken and become more enlightened by the Truth, the energy of Errors will become more and more erratic. The deception is bold. The lies are audacious. The behavior is erratic and disrespectful on purpose. Hopelessness, despair, negativity, pessimism are what she wants you to feel. Error—masterfully upheld by politicians, institutions, and world leaders—is doubling down on ignorance and fear because Truth is emerging, and it knows its time holding court is short. The illusion is breaking apart under its own weight. The power structure is crumbling!

I know what we are experiencing is heavy and ‘unprecedented’. It’s something we never imagined for ourselves in our lifetime. And in such dark, dense, and perilous times, perhaps the advice to search for the Light was not the correct answer. Remembering is. We are God’s chosen ones who can break the spell of forgetfulness and restores Truth to the world.

If you can’t find the Light, Remember the Truth.


A Message for 2025